The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR) for April 2024 was published recently. The last month reported in most of the OPEC charts that follow is March 2024 and output reported for OPEC nations is crude oil output in thousands of barrels per day (kb/d). In the OPEC charts that follow the blue line with markers is monthly output and the thin red line is the centered twelve month average (CTMA) output.
The EIA STEO was published recently the estimate below is based on data from that report and statistics from the EIA International Energy Statistics. The EIA expects the 2018 peak for annual average World C+C output will be surpassed in 2025.
The focus of this post is World oil production along with a more detailed look at the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries.
Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to December 2023. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World Oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook.
World oil production increased by 400 kb/d in December, green graph, to a post pandemic high. The largest increase came from Guyana, 175 kb/d. January World oil production is projected to drop by 1,744 kb/d to 81,178 kb/d. The large production drop is due to the STEO’s January estimated drop of 2,160 kb/d for all liquids. Of the 2,160, US accounts for 1,500 kb/d while Canada drops 130 kb/d and Brazil drops 280 kb/d.