September Non-OPEC and World Oil Production Drops

By Ovi

The focus of this post is an overview of World oil production along with a more detailed review of the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries. OPEC production is covered in a separate post.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to September 2024. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway, Mexico and China is used to provide a short term outlook. 

World oil production decreased by 1,014 kb/d in September to 80,795 kb/d, green graph. The largest decreases came from Libya, 350 kb/d, and Canada, 244 kb/d. October’s World oil production is projected to increase by 1,170 kb/d to 81,965 kb/d. Of that increase, Libya is expected to contribute close to 550 kb/d as its internal politics/oil dispute is settled.

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July Non-OPEC & World Oil Production

By Ovi

The focus of this post is an overview of World oil production along with a more detailed review of the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries. OPEC production is covered in a separate post.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to July 2024. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway, Mexico and China is used to provide a short term outlook. 

World oil production increased by 406 kb/d in July to 81,591 kb/d, green graph. The largest increase came from Saudi Arabia, 300 kb/d. August’s World oil production is projected to increase by 295 kb/d to 81,886 kb/d.

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August Non-OPEC and World Oil Production

By Ovi

The EIA International Energy Statistics had a reporting hiatus from its May 2023 report to July 2023. They have restarted their reports with the August update. This report updates the POB reports and charts posted for May, June and July.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for Non-OPEC countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to August 2023. This is the latest and most detailed world oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia, Brazil, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few of these countries and the world.

World oil production and projection charts are presented at the end of this post.

August Non-OPEC oil production dropped by 71 kb/d to 51,401 kb/d. The largest decreases came from Kazakhstan, Brazil and Russia.

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May Non-OPEC and World Oil Production

By Ovi

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for Non-OPEC countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to May 2023. This is the latest and most detailed world oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia, Brazil, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few of these countries and the world. The US report has an expanded view beyond production by adding rig and frac spread charts.

Where STEO data was used, the ratio of C + C to All Liquids was calculated. The average for the last eight months was used to project the June and July production numbers in a few cases.

World oil production and projection charts are presented at the end of this post.

May Non-OPEC oil production dropped by 412 kb/d to 50,010 kb/d. The largest decreases came from Canada 118 kb/d and Russia 193 kb/d.

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March 2023 Non-OPEC Oil Production Drops

A post by Ovi

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for Non-OPEC countries. Normally the charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics in the first week of the month. Unfortunately the EIA was not able to update the production information for March until today. Consequently the charts below are produced from a mixture of country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway and China and the July STEO and the International report. The International report was used to update the March production data.

Where STEO data was used, the ratio of C + C to All Liquids was calculated. The average from the last six months was used to project the March production numbers and extended to May in a few cases.

World oil production charts are found at the end of this post.

March Non-OPEC oil production dropped by 268 kb/d to 51,434 kb/d. The largest decreases came from the Russia, 300 kb/d and Brazil 146 kb/d.

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