Non-OPEC September Oil Production Flat

A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIAʼs International Energy Statistics and updated to September 2020. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia and Norway is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries.

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August Non-OPEC Production Rises

A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel.

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIAʼs International Energy Statistics and updated to August 2020. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia and Norway is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries. Typically I collect updated country info after the 20th of the month for September and October. Since this is an early post, those have not changed from last month.

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Non-OPEC July Output up by 1.2%

A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and updated to July 2020. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia and Norway is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries.

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Non-OPEC Oil Production Starts to Rebound

A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and updated to June 2020.  Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries.

Non-OPEC production has started to rebound from the May low of 45,379 kb/d. According to the EIA, June’s output added 564 kb/d to May’s to end up 45,943 kb/d. Using data from the STEO, a projection for Non-OPEC output was made to September. September output is expected to rise to 48,739 kb/d, with the biggest increment occurring in July, close to 1,000 kb/d. Of the 1,000 kb/d, 500 kb/d will be provided by the US.

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