A guest post by George Kaplan


The creaming curve for lease sales in Brazil looks like it is turning towards the asymptote overall. Unfortunately there is insufficient data provided to allow land and marine leasing to be separated but I expect that the curve for land is close to the limit but that for marine areas is barely half way. The average take up of offers has remained high, which suggests APB, the Brazilian authority in charge, is discerning about what it offers.

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UK North Sea Summary Part II: Reserves, Recent Production and Future Projections

A Guest Post by George Kaplan


The OGA issues UK oil and gas reserve values each year, but only in total, not for individual fields as is done in Norway, Mexico, GoM and Brazil (which reports by basin rather than field). The reserves are not backdated to discovery date so it’s not possible to generate anything like a true creaming curve, but they are split into categories of proved, probable and possible, and, since 2015, contingencies. Operators in the UK North Sea have up to five years to announce estimated resources in discoveries so there may be uncertainties for recent years, unlike in the Norwegian section where estimate must be declared as soon as they are known.

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