EIA’s Electric Power Monthly – August 2018 Edition with data for June

A Guest Post by Islandboy



The EIA released the latest edition of their Electric Power Monthly on August 24th, with data for June 2018. The table above shows the percentage contribution of the main fuel sources to two decimal places for the last two months and the year to date. With the data for June now available some half year data can be produced. Below is a table showing the various changes in the amount of electricity generated for a few selected sources, All Renewables and Non-Hydro Renewables, between the first half of 2017 and the first half of 2018. Read More

Mexico Production and Reserves, 1H2018

A Guest Post by George Kaplan

Mexico C&C Production

Mexico oil production is in decline though, at the moment, not as steep as it was expected to be (at least by me – IEA predictions are closer).

Data is through June and comes from Pemex and National Hydrocarbons Information Center (CNIH) (both sites are pretty good).

For June C&C was 1870 kbpd, down 25 kbpd from May and 170 kbpd y-o-y. Yearly decline rates for each region are shown in the chart below. Production peaked in 2004/2005 at just over 3500 kbpd, so overall decline is approaching 50%.


Most of the decline has been in light oil and condensate, with heavy oil holding fairly level.

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