US Rebound from Winter Storm Raises Non -Opec Production

A guest post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel.

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIAʼs International Energy Statistics and updated to March 2021. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries and the world.

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February Non-OPEC Oil Production Sinks

A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel.

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIAʼs International Energy Statistics and updated to February 2021. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries and the world.

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January Non-OPEC Oil Production Climbs Again

A guest post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel

Below are a number of oil (C + C ) production charts for Non-OPEC countries created from data provided by the EIAʼs International Energy Statistics and updated to January 2021. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Russia, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook for future output and direction for a few countries and the world.

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April’s EIA Oil Growth Projections

By Ovi at peakoilbarrel.

Normally near the end of the month an update on world oil output is posted here. However this month the EIA’s world oil report will appear too close to the US monthly report. For this month, in its place, this space will be filled with the three oil growth projections that the EIA published in April along with other oil production related information. The world report will be posted after the US report, later in May.

Short Term energy Outlook (STEO)

The STEO provides projections for the next 13 – 24 months for US C + C and NGPLs production. The April 2021 report presents EIAʼs updated oil output and price projections to December 2022.

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Annual Reserve Changes Part I: EIA and Super-Majors

A guest post by George Kaplan

EIA US Reserve Estimates

The EIA publishes reserve data for the USA, usually in December of the following year – so that the figures presented here are for 2019. Only proved category reserves are shown and the numbers are based on companies’ annual reports and 10-k or 20-f filings (so that last year’s numbers are now being addressed as most companies have filed). Not every company is included, otherwise the net acquisitions and dispersals (the yellow bars) would surely have to sum to zero, but most are and all the big players. Net adjustments include revisions (which may be technical or economic) and other adjustments, which are fiddle factors to make the numbers add up but are usually zero or small; improved recovery is here included as discoveries and extensions. The yellow dashed line shows the net change.

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