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US July Oil Production Shows Little Growth
A guest post by Ovi
All of the Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production data for the US state charts comes from the EIAʼs September Petroleum Supply monthly PSM which provides data up to July 2022.

U.S. July production increased by a minimal 12 kb/d to 11,800 kb/d. For July, the states with increasing production were offset by states with decreasing production. July’s production was a new recent high. Production was 10 kb/d higher than November 2021 which was producing at a rate of 11,790 kb/d. However it should be noted that June’s oil production was revised down from 11,816 kb/d to 11,788 kb/d in the September report.
Read MoreOpen Thread Non-Petroleum, October 2, 2022
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