The EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook data is presented as “Petroleum and Other Liquids”. The EIA definition:
“Petroleum and other liquids: All petroleum including crude oil and products of petroleum refining, natural gas liquids, biofuels, and liquids derived from other hydrocarbon sources (including coal to liquids and gas to liquids). Not included are liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid hydrogen.”
Other liquids include biofuels. Most biofuels come from Brazil. Brazil produces about one million barrels per day of ethanol during its winter months there and none during its summer months. The cane is cut in the fall and has fermented to alcohol by the winter months. So they have huge seasonal swings in production. In order to get a meaningful chart of other liquids, you must remove the Brazil biofuels from the mix.

From January 2018 to June 2022 World Other Liquids, less Brazil, increased by two million barrels per day. The data in the chart above is in thousand barrels per day. Total World Other Liquids, in June 2022 stood at 15.5 million barrels per day.
All charts below are Petroleum plus Other Liquids unless otherwise specified. None of the charts, except the OPEC C+C chart, and the World Liquids chart above, includes OPEC countries.
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