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A Guest Post by George Kaplan
Production is dominated by major international companies particularly, and maybe surprisingly, European ones. Principally Shell and BP, but with Equinor, Eni, Total and Repsol also active and many are (or were) seemingly wanting to expand in the area. Maybe this is an example of reciprocal technology transfer: the North Sea was initially developed with a lot of American offshore know how and there it may now be the reverse is happening as deeper water fields using floating and subsea systems are developed.
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A post by Ovi at peakoilbarrel
All of the oil (C + C) production data for the US state charts comes from the EIAʼs Petroleum Supply monthly PSM. After the production charts, an analysis of three EIA monthly reports projecting future production is provided. The charts below are updated to July 2020 for the 10 largest US oil producing states.
July’s US production continued to rebound from May’s low by adding 538 kb/d to June’s output. Since May, the US has added 965 kb/d, almost 1.0 Mb/d. May’s output was revised up by 3 kb/d from the EIA’s June report.
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