All OPEC data for the charts below are from the OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report

OPEC crude oil production continued to slide in December.

All OPEC data for the charts below are from the OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report
OPEC crude oil production continued to slide in December.
The OPEC data for the charts below are from the OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report.
and is thousand barrels per day.OPEC 14 was down 193,000 barrels per day in November but that was after October production had been revised up by 94,000 bpd.
OPEC 14 bounced back from last month’s decline. And there were major revisions in the September data. Saudi Arabia’s September production was revised up 232,000 bpd, Nigeria’s production revised up by 96,000 bpd and OPEC 14 September production was revised up by 316,000 bpd.
Read MoreData for the OPEC charts below were taken from the October OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report
OPEC 14 crude oil production was down1,318,000 barrels per day in September. Most of that decline was due to the Iranian attack on the Saudi oil complex at Abqaiq.
Read MoreThe following June OPEC data is based on the latest July OPEM Monthly Oil Market Report and is in thousand barrels per day.
OPEC 14 crude only production was down 68,000 barrels per day in June.