OPEC June Production Data

All data below is from the OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report. All data is in thousand barrels per day and is through June 2018.

The Republic of the Congo was added to OPEC this month. The data below does not reflect that addition. I will try to add them next month.

OPEC 14 production was up 161,000 barrels per day in June. That does not include the Congo which was up 12 kbpd.

Notice: This is The Republic of the Congo, a much smaller nation than the DRC, or The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

May OPEC production was revised down 39,000 bpd. Saudi Arabia was revised up 28,000 bpd, Qatar was revised up 17,000 bpd while Nigeria’s May production was revised down 79,000 bpd.

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World Energy 2018-2050: World Energy Annual Report (Part 1)

Guest Post by

Dr. Minqi Li, Professor
Department of Economics, University of Utah
E-mail: minqi.li@economics.utah.edu
June 2018

This is Part 1 of the World Energy Annual Report in 2018. This author has developed world energy annual reports that have been posted at Peak Oil Barrel since 2014. The purpose of this Annual Report is to provide updated analysis of the current development of world energy production and consumption, consider possible scenarios of world energy supply over the 21st century, and evaluate their implications for global economic growth and climate change. This year’s Annual Report includes multiple parts:

Part 1 World Energy 2018-2050
Part 2 World Oil 2018-2050
Part 3 World Natural Gas 2018-2050
Part 4 World Coal 2018-2050
Part 5 Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Climate Change 2018-2100

Part 1 summarizes the general findings of this year’s World Energy Annual Report. Given the currently available information, world oil production is projected to peak in the early 2020s, world natural gas production is projected to peak in the 2030s, and world coal production is projected to peak in the late 2020s. Wind and solar power is projected to grow rapidly and account for about one-third of the world energy supply by the mid-21st century. Despite the rapid expansion of renewable energies, global energy supply and economic growth are expected to decelerate over the coming decades. By the mid-21st century, the energy-constrained global economic growth rates may not be sufficient to ensure economic and political stability for the existing world system. Although world carbon dioxide emissions are projected to peak before 2030, cumulative carbon dioxide emissions over the 21st century will be sufficient to result in global warming by more than two degrees Celsius relative to the pre-industrial time (assuming there will be no large-scale carbon sequestration programs).
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