Comments not related to oil and natural gas in this thread.
OPEC November Production Data
All the below OPEC data is from the latest OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report. The data is in thousand barrels per day and is through November 2018.
OPEC 15 was down 11,000 barrels per day in November but that was after October production was revised upward by 67,000 bpd.
OPEC production was 32,965,000 barrels per day in November. The revised October numbers, 32,976,000 was an all time high.
Open Thread Non-Petroleum, December 12, 2018
Please place all comments not related to oil or gas in this thread.
EIA’s Electric Power Monthly – November 2018 Edition with data for September
A Guest Post by Islandboy
The EIA released the latest edition of their Electric Power Monthly on November 27th, with data for September 2018. The table above shows the percentage contribution of the main fuel sources to two decimal places for the last two months and the year to date. Read More
Open Thread Petroleum, December 6, 2018
Comments related to oil and natural gas production in this thread please.