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OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report August 2016
OPEC released its Monthly Oil Market Report on August 10, 2016, I have pulled some items of interest from the report.
World Oil Demand
World oil demand growth in 2016 is expected to average 1.22 mb/d, some 30 tb/d higher than last month. For 2017, world oil demand is forecast to grow by 1.15 mb/d, unchanged from the previous report. While the OECD will contribute positively to oil demand growth adding some 0.10 mb/d, the bulk of the growth in 2017 will originate from the non-OECD with 1.05 mb/d.
World Oil Supply
Non-OPEC oil supply is expected to contract by 0.79 mb/d in 2016, following an upward revision of 90 tb/d since the previous report, driven by higher-than-expected output in 2Q16 in the US and UK. In 2017, non-OPEC supply is expected to decline by 0.15 mb/d, following a downward revision of 40 tb/d. OPEC NGL production is forecast to grow by 0.16 mb/d and 0.15 mb/d in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In July, OPEC production increased by 46 tb/d to average 33.11 mb/d, according to secondary sources.
Balance of Supply and Demand
Demand for OPEC crude in 2016 is estimated at 31.9 mb/d, unchanged from last report and 1.9 mb/d higher than in the previous year. In 2017, demand for OPEC crude is forecast at 33.0 mb/d, in line with the previous report and 1.2 mb/d higher than in 2016. Read More
Open Thread Non-Petroleum- Aug 22, 2016
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Open Thread Non-Petroleum-Aug 15, 2016
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Petroleum Open Thread August 4, 2016
Comments and news about oil and natural gas.
World C+C using EIA data, but substituting the Russian Ministry of Energy Data for Russia shown in the chart below. The monthly peak was 81, 047 kb/d in Nov 2015. The centered 12 month running average is also shown with a peak at 80,642 kb/d in Sept 2015. The annual decline rate since the Nov 2015 peak has been 4.2% per year or about 3.4 Mb/d over a 12 month period if the rate does not change before Nov 2016. That would imply 77.6 Mb/d by Nov 2016.
Output was 79,784 kb/d in April 2016, I believe the decline rate will decrease by Oct and output will be around 78.5 +/- 0.5 Mb/d in Nov 2016, decline will continue into 2017 and the rate of decline may reach zero some time in 2017.