U.S. November Oil Production Drops to Year Ago Level

By Ovi

All of the Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production data, oil, for the US state charts comes from the EIAʼs Petroleum Supply monthly PSM which provides updated information up to November 2024.

U.S. November oil production decreased by 122 kb/d to 13,314 kb/d, only 6 kb/d higher than December 2024. The largest decreases came from Texas, 70 kb/d, New Mexico 38 kb/d and the GOM 108 kb/d.

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Short Term Energy Outlook, January 2025

The EIA Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) was published recently, the estimate for World C+C output from October 2024 to December 2026 in the chart below is based on crude oil estimates in the STEO for World minus US C+C output and the trend in the ratio of the STEO crude estimates and C+C estimates from the EIA’s International Energy Statistics for World minus US C+C output from Jan 2018 to September 2024. For the next 5 charts the horizontal and vertical scales are the same, with 9 years on the horizontal axis and 16000 kb/d from the lowest to highest values on the vertical axis. The thin line represents monthly data or forecasts after September 2024 and the markers with labels show the average annual output for each year.

Last month’s estimate for average annual output in 2025 was 83467 kb/d using a similar methodology, so the STEO forecast has been revised lower for 2025, this STEO is the first to forecast through December 2026.

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September Non-OPEC and World Oil Production Drops

By Ovi

The focus of this post is an overview of World oil production along with a more detailed review of the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries. OPEC production is covered in a separate post.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to September 2024. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway, Mexico and China is used to provide a short term outlook. 

World oil production decreased by 1,014 kb/d in September to 80,795 kb/d, green graph. The largest decreases came from Libya, 350 kb/d, and Canada, 244 kb/d. October’s World oil production is projected to increase by 1,170 kb/d to 81,965 kb/d. Of that increase, Libya is expected to contribute close to 550 kb/d as its internal politics/oil dispute is settled.

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August Non-OPEC & World Oil Production Rose

By Ovi

The focus of this post is an overview of World oil production along with a more detailed review of the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries. OPEC production is covered in a separate post.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to July 2024. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway, Mexico and China is used to provide a short term outlook. 

World oil production increased by 126 kb/d in August to 81,724 kb/d, green graph. The largest increase came from the U.S., 195 kb/d. September’s World oil production is projected to decrease by 880 kb/d to 81,844 kb/d. The countries contributing to the large September decrease are Norway and Libya, 180 kb/d and 400+ kb/d respectively.

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June Non-OPEC & World Oil Production

By Ovi

The focus of this post is an overview of World oil production along with a more detailed review of the top 11 Non-OPEC oil producing countries. OPEC production is covered in a separate post.

Below are a number of Crude plus Condensate (C + C) production charts, usually shortened to “oil”, for oil producing countries. The charts are created from data provided by the EIA’s International Energy Statistics and are updated to June 2024. This is the latest and most detailed/complete World Oil production information available. Information from other sources such as OPEC, the STEO and country specific sites such as Brazil, Norway and China is used to provide a short term outlook. 

World oil production decreased by 299 kb/d in June to 81,105 kb/d, green graph. The largest decreases came from Saudi Arabai 350 kb/d and Russia 142 kb/d. July’s World oil production is projected to increase by 665 kb/d to 81,770 kb/d.

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